Episode 26: Carrie Yantzer

Episode 26: Carrie Yantzer

“We don’t get to judge who walks through our doors, who we get to educate. Our job is we get to love them from where they’re at and get them to where they need to be.”

Carrie Yantzer, Director of Professional Learning and Operations for the Colorado Association of School Executives, joins The Green Room for an amazing conversation. Carrie has over 25 years of educational experience as both a teacher and a principal and has so many amazing stories to share centered around the power of relationships, equity and ways to address it on your campus, and relevant topics pertaining to professional learning and how she and her organization provide meaningful content.

Episode 25: Mark Brown

Episode 25: Mark Brown

“Be who you is, cause if you is who you ain’t, you ain’t who you is.”

Newberg High School (OR) assistant principal Mark Brown joins The Green Room for a powerful episode to discuss mental health and strategies for addressing it on your campus, learning to be comfortable with "who you is," maintaining a positive outlook on a daily basis, the challenges of becoming an administrator, and more!

Episode 24: Steve Gilliland

Episode 24: Steve Gilliland

“We have fun, we love each other, and we love our kids.”

Del City High School (OK) assistant principal Steve Gilliland joins The Green Room to share all of the great things happening at his school and in his community. Steve shares tips on getting kids plugged in on your campus, battling chronic absenteeism, boosting staff morale, and some super cool traditions, including one where seniors can earn a free letter jacket. Check it out!

Episode 23: Dr. Sherri Southerland

Episode 23: Dr. Sherri Southerland

“The most important thing an administrator can do for their school is to make it a place where teachers want to be.”

Smyrna High School (TN) principal Dr. Sherri Southerland joins The Green Room to discuss leveling the courses at her high school and its impact on student learning, tips for implementing change, how to transition from a "your kids" mentality to an "our kids" mentality, ideas for improving staff morale and camaraderie, and much more!

Episode 22: Shameka Gerald

Episode 22: Shameka Gerald

“When my kids get off the bus in the morning and when the teachers walk in the door, my mood, my face, and my attitude sets the tone for the day.”

Powerful, powerful episode with Heritage High School (VA) principal Shameka Gerald! She shares advice on developing processes systematically that serve ALL students, why her attitude and demeanor are so important to the daily climate of her building, how to raise the standard of expectations for both students and staff, how racial and equity issues can be properly addressed and improved, tips and strategies for improving attendance rates, and much, much more!

Episode 21: Brad Hubbard

Episode 21: Brad Hubbard

“I gave numbers 1, 2, and 3 to my wife and two daughters because they’ve given me the opportunity and the freedom to really try to make it matter on behalf of other people’s kids.”

Dr. Brad Hubbard, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction for Community High School District 117 (IL), joins The Green Room to discuss tips and strategies for improving teacher retention, making the time to be visible within your building, the importance of professional learning for educators, how his district is attacking equity and SEL head on, and the story behind his limited edition challenge coins that he uses to "make it matter" in the world of education!

Episode 20: Dan Reichard

Episode 20: Dan Reichard

“It doesn’t matter what’s going on at home, they know they can come to Room 21 and be loved. You’re not going to be invisible in here.”

Virginia Region 3 Teacher of the Year Dan Reichard joins The Green Room to discuss tips and strategies for becoming a better educator, methods and ideas for creating a classroom environment where learning is cool, the importance of branding your classroom, how to prevent burnout, and much more!

Episode 19: Chris Reeder

Episode 19: Chris Reeder

“I’m a firm believer that they (teenagers) need good people around them who are gonna love them when they need to be loved and who are gonna challenge them when they need to be challenged.”

Rock star educator Chris Reeder joins the podcast to discuss tips for growing your leadership classes, how to implement and run Jostens Renaissance on your campus, how donut holes can transform the “new kid” into the “cool kid” on campus, operating successful school social media accounts, and more!

Episode 18: Jonathan Alsheimer

Episode 18: Jonathan Alsheimer

“The end result isn’t the test…what’s the rest of their life gonna look like? That’s the end result. My state test at the end of the year or my test at the end of the unit is not the end result, and if you think that, I think you need to rethink your philosophy of education.”

Fred Lynn Middle School (VA) educator Jonathan Alsheimer joins The Green Room to share his passion for education centered on a “why not” mentality and discusses how his school stands up to bullying, the journey of transforming a school from struggling to fully accredited, connecting with UFC star Paul Felder and Young & Reckless founder Drama, and so much more!

Episode 17: What Ornaments Are On Your Tree?

Episode 17: What Ornaments Are On Your Tree?

“These kids, they literally have the world at their fingertips and for me, it’s so exciting to watch them dream their lives our loud.”

To all of my educator peeps out there, this episode is dedicated to you. It’s an exhausting job that you do each and every single day as you pour your heart and soul into your classroom, your school, your community, and your kids. To each and every single one of you, from the bottom of my heart: THANK YOU.

Episode 16: Elizabeth King

Episode 16: Elizabeth King

“Technology is about understanding which tool to use at which time and it should always be about the learning.”

Technology specialist Elizabeth King joins The Green Room to share strategies for implementing technology on a district-wide level, tips for staying up to date on the latest technology, tools and resources for bringing technology into your classroom, how to use technology to strengthen relationships with your students, and much more!

Episode 15: Ali Stinson

Episode 15: Ali Stinson

“Creating a more positive culture and climate within our school wasn’t really an option, but more of a necessity.”

Bellwood-Antis High School (PA) educator Ali Stinson joins The Green Room to talk instructional strategies, creating a positive school culture and climate, how to get started with Jostens Renaissance on your campus, leading change as a teacher, work/life balance, and more!

Episode 14: Jason Kuhn

Episode 14: Jason Kuhn

"What I do does not define who I am; who I am defines what I do."

Former Navy SEAL and Division 1 athlete Jason Kuhn joins The Green Room to discuss dealing with failure, overcoming adversity, creating a championship culture, developing mental toughness, advice on handling an active shooter situation, and much, much more!

Episode 13: Nikki Miller

Episode 13: Nikki Miller

"And you want teachers to be comfortable...you don't have to be perfect. We're learning...that's why we're here, it's a school. So why would it be any different for an adult?"

Cape Henlopen High School (DE) principal Nikki Miller joins The Green Room to share her thoughts on the advantages and challenges of being a female administrator at the high school level, what she looks for when interviewing potential candidates at her school, methods for providing support and growth for educators, particularly in the area of instructional methodology, how to ensure that you your days are spent in the halls and in classrooms instead of tied up in your office, and why the 2018-2019 school year is going to be the #BestYearYet!!!

Episode 12: I See You, I Hear You, & I Love You

Episode 12: I See You, I Hear You, & I Love You

PC provides an overview of his latest book release, titled I See You, I Hear You, and I Love You. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this book benefit the Chase Your Dreams Foundation, a nonprofit created to benefit at-risk youth and their families. The book is available for purchase on Amazon and on the Jostens Renaissance website.

The Green Room Podcast Series Episode 11: Darrin Peppard

The Green Room Podcast Series Episode 11: Darrin Peppard

West Grand School District (CO) superintendent Darrin Peppard joins The Green Room to talk about implementing change, school safety in today's educational world, addressing the social-emotional needs of our youth, the importance of social media from an educator's perspective, and so much more!

The Green Room Podcast Series Episode 10: Bradlee Skinner

The Green Room Podcast Series Episode 10: Bradlee Skinner

"There's always something there that the kids are trying to tell us...are we willing to listen?"

Green River High School (WY) theater teacher Bradlee Skinner joins The Green Room Podcast Series to discuss the power of listening to our kids, how to implement gamification in your classroom, how hip-hop dancing has helped him as a teacher, tips for welcoming new educators to your campus, and much, much more!

The Green Room Podcast Series Episode 9: Erin Livingston

The Green Room Podcast Series Episode 9: Erin Livingston

"Kids will love to be in your room and they'll do anything for you if they feel connected." 

Aloha High School (OR) educator Erin Livingston joins The Green Room Podcast Series to share advice for first year educators, tips for teaching students how to lead, how her school turned homecoming into a premier event, how to ensure that students have an active voice on campus, and much more!

The Green Room Podcast Series Episode 8: DeWayne Patterson

The Green Room Podcast Series Episode 8: DeWayne Patterson

Bixby High School (OK) activities director DeWayne Patterson joins The Green Room to share a wealth of knowledge on increasing student participation in extracurriculars within your school, tips for creating engagement and involvement from your local business community, cool ideas to recognize both students and staffulty, tips for getting administrative "buy-in" for school change, and much, much more!

The Green Room Podcast Series Episode 7: Paul Dols

The Green Room Podcast Series Episode 7: Paul Dols

Monrovia High School (CA) educator Paul Dols joins The Green Room to discuss the power of making yourself vulnerable with your students, strategies for reaching at-risk youth, how to maintain positivity in a world full of negative, and advice for individuals aspiring to enter the greatest profession on the planet.